Janelle L. Auch

Nov 6, 20232 min

Tune Back Into Your Inner Magic

Our Divine Download for November 6, 2023 is Blackthorn/Straif from The Green Man Tree Oracle and the Green Man's Wisdom is "Magic is Everywhere." Magic lies all around us - not the magic of fairy tales, but real magic connecting our universe to a living continuum. After centuries of being told that it was forbidden, reserved for so-called "experts," we ave no forgotten that magic lies within us. To be clear: there is magic in YOU. Yes, YOU. With absolutely no exceptions. Because it is in each and every single one of us and all around us. While you are very special in your own right, you are not special enough to be exempt from the magic of the universe (and honestly, why would you want to be?!) To access this personal magic, we must step away from the busy, surface consciousness and sink deeply into the ever flowing stream of our magical dreams. The ideas, scenes and presences that require the deepest levels of our understanding also require intense listening: we must step into the present and interact with it as fully as possible. This card suggests we remember that magic is everywhere (EVERYWHERE. As in far closer than we think!), that it brings light into the darkest places. What makes the Blackthorn so strong is its ability to foster waking dreams. Like all thorny plants, Blackthorn has a darker side, just as there is a darker side to some magic. But we don't have to worry about that when we turn our attention to and make up our minds by setting our intention only to work with the magic that is of the light. In fact, we can trust that circumstances will arise that will shield and protect us from the dark energies of the universe when we become so intensely focused on the light that is it our one true mission to work with and be part of that bright white magic.

Our Angels understand that we have forgotten our magic and they will joyfully guide us back to our magical selves by offering us simple and easy Spiritual Action Steps during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!