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Love & Accept Your Spiritual Truth

Our Divine Download for March 27, 2022 is Love & Accept Yourself from the Angel Prayers Oracle Cards. The Angels want nothing more than for you to be at peace with your life and they are here to help you restore your faith and confidence in yourself. Your self-esteem and self confidence have suffered blows from shocks and traumas throughout your life time and your current levels of self-esteem and confidence do not accurately represent who you are, or how you are at this point in your life. It's time to level back up and remember exactly who you are. You have the ability to live a life that you truly love, in fact, it is your birth right. You are loved and supported unconditionally by the whole of the universe. Start today and take steps towards loving yourself just as you are loved by the universe and your creator. Actively loving yourself as you are loved is the key to opening your heart. You are doing so well changing your old outdated habits and the thoughts which no longer serve you. Your Angels are encouraging you to take the next steps along your path which is to approve of yourself and then to love who you truly are, with no strings, and no exceptions. You are a divine, perfect, lovable child of God and it's time for you to look at yourself through the eyes of your own spiritual truth. Start today by taking a few minutes to look at everything that you have accomplished and then wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself some well deserved love because you're pretty damn amazing.

Self-care is a natural act of self love and Reiki is a wonderful form of self-care. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session Today: Book Your Session HERE!

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