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Step Back to Improve Your Vision

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for October 23, 2021 is Impartiality from the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards. The cards of this color in this deck are considered neutral, corresponding to the crown chakra, and encourage us to embrace the spirit of universal consciousness. Impartiality suggests that now is not a time for us to shine or focus on excelling personally, but a time to allow and even encourage others to come forth with their gifts. We are guided to listen quietly as we allow others to color their own palate. In a world where we are all connected, it is important for us to hold space for others to find their own answers, because by doing so we honor the wisdom within them, and also the collective wisdom within all of us. Where can you embrace the role of neutral advisor in your life right now? How comfortable are you within that specific role? This is a time when our advice, regardless of how heartfelt, may not be well received. We are guided to be unbiased now, as much as possible, in all things, and in all situations. When we look through the eyes of impartiality, we may see things that were not visible before. Our action here is simply to listen and to observe right now. If you step back from your present situation, what do you see? Are you able to be neutral? Is this a trait that you struggle with or perhaps need to work on? When we are impartial and are simply mindful observers in this way, it allows things to simply unfold as they are meant to and it promotes uplifted and higher minded communication.

Trust is often a big hindrance to true impartiality and our ability to step back because we believe we must drive and control outcomes. Connecting with our Angels during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading can help buoy our trust and connect us to our Angels and our guides. Book Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading Today: Book Your Session HERE!


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