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Take Flight on the Wings of Forgiveness

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for June 4, 2020 is Fairies and Be Willing to Forgive from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards. What a fascinating combination of "f-words" we received today! I know, I know, when we get forgiveness, many of you would rather I said the other more traditional f-word. But guess what? Good news: our fairies are here to help us lighten up to help make the whole process of forgiveness easier, lighter, and more natural. They've shown up to suggest that maybe, just maybe there's a certain situation that we are taking WAY too seriously and that we would be in a better space to move forward if we were to lighten up our entire energy field, just a little. Going outside, being in nature, is a great way to do this. You don't see anything in nature holding a grudge or holding onto the past. Nature flows in cycle that leaves no time for dwelling on or being stuck in the past. Nature has no space of unforgiveness because it knows it is always growing and always moving towards it's next beautiful, perfect evolution. Nature does not try to go backwards to remember where it was in previous cycles or dwell on how it wished it could have grown differently or more easily. Nature releases what it does not need to continue to grow in the natural cycle. And in that way, there is a delightful simplicity that is achieved. That is what our fairies would like to see us do. They want us to take a page out of the nature playbook in order to stop stunting our growth with the energy of unforgiveness. It isn't serving us. It's only holding us back. Be willing to let go of anything and everything that you do not need to continue to grow. Be willing to embrace your own growth cycles and your own true nature (because hint: your own true nature is forgiving). Ask your fairies to help you if this lightness of being feels challenging to you or if you struggle with forgiveness. Call on them and allow them to help you, allow them to support you. Be willing to receive (and follow) their wonderfully grounded guidance.

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