Our Divine Download for Monday April 13, 2020 is People/Professional Assistance alerting us to the need for Expert Support from The Quantum Oracle Cards. Newsflash: you don't have to do everything alone. Newsflash: you're not expected to be an actual expert on every single area of every single thing in your life! Seriously! It's time to take an honest look at your life and find the areas where professional help might be needed. Whether you need an accountant, a lawyer, a therapist, a physician, a life coach, a teacher, or any other kind of professional, open up to all the assistance that you need and don't forget to ask for the help of Spirit! This card can also indicate that your career could move in a new direction, whether it be one you anticipated, or something completely out of left field. Needing professional help doesn't make you weak or invalidate you in any way. Knowing when things are beyond your purview is a strength! If you are feeling alone, or overwhelmed, stressed out, or like you have to do everything all by yourself, this is your sign from the Universe that you do not. Allow the Universe to provide you the help that you need (hint: you DO need to ask first!) It is also very important that you explore your options regarding any professionals you may choose to help you. No profession is one size fits all. That is why there are hundreds upon thousands of different dentists, massage therapists, readers, energy workers, investment mangers, chiropractors, etc. Do not be afraid to make a move or a change away from any professionals that you may have been working with if their help and the relationship no longer feels energetically appropriate to you. You have the right to ask for and receive the exact professional help that you are seeking, even if that means looking for a different professional or expert. Ask for the specific professional help you need and allow yourself to be inspired by what you receive. The affirmation for this card is "The wisdom of the world abounds. Great assistance brings the information and the solutions I am looking for. And so it is!
