Our Divine Download for January 29, 2025 is Have You Asked Your Angels For Help With This? from The Angel Therapy Oracle Cards. A-hem. We know that you haven't. Because they wouldn't be asking if you had. So, ask. ASK! We need to be in the habit and in the practice of asking our Angels for help with everything, every day, all the time. No, you aren't going to pull the Angels away from curing cancer by asking for a good parking spot at the grocery store. Angels are omnipresent, which is a concept that it is damn near impossible for us to wrap our mere mortal minds around, that means that they can be in multiple places and even multiple dimensions at the same time. All of 2024 was a big year thematically for us learning to communicate with Spirit OUT LOUD, and that didn't just end there. We are still supposed to be communicating with Spirit and asking our Angels for help with everything each and every day (yes, OUT LOUD!) The more we talk to our Angels, the more we will "hear" them and the more that they will "respond" to us in more tangible ways, allowing us to deepen and grow our relationship with them. When we don't practice asking and talking to our Angels and to Spirit (OUT LOUD) every single day, then we forget to do so at all. So right here, right now, whatever is heavy on your mind and/or your heart, whatever you want most in this world, whatever you may feel overwhelmed with or by, ask your Angels. RIGHT NOW! And then ask for their help again tomorrow. And the next day, and the day after that. You cannot ask them too much, too often, or for too much (though they do prefer that you ask them in a proactive way and not from a space or place of desperation or begging). THIS is your part of your journey. This is your mission. This is your guidance. Ask, Ask, ASK, ASK, ASK! Every. Single. Day. So ask already!
If you aren't sure how to best communicate with your Angels and your Guides a Stairway to Heaven Session can help you identify 3-5 of your Angels and Guides and learn their unique communication style to allow you to work with them most effectively and efficiently. Schedule Your Stairway To Heaven Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
