Our Divine Download for December 4, 2023 is We Are all Different from the Cherub Angels For Children Cards. Thank goodness we are all different! Can you imagine how boring the world would be if we were all the same? No thank you! While we seek out commonalities in order to connect with other people, as is human nature, we also unfortunately tend to label those who are different than us in various negative connotations. We are being reminded to adopt a "live and let live" attitude when it comes to ourselves and other people and our respective differences. Different doesn't mean bad. Different doesn't mean wrong. It just means different. Plain and simple. But somewhere along the lines, especially in the past couple of years, we seem to have forgotten this to a great extent as a society. We have collectively adopted an attitude that if you are different from me, you are bad and you are wrong, and in some cases people have gone as far as to ban those with even perceived differences in opinions from our lives. But that is absolutely not the way we are supposed to live or what we are supposed to do. You don't necessarily have to throw a ticker tape parade for everyone who differs from you, especially those who differ from you in ways that may rub you the wrong way. But ask yourself "do those differences truly matter?" Do they actually affect you? Do they really, truly make a difference in the world, or even in yours? Chances are they don't. So stay in your own lane and work on cultivating an attitude of radical acceptance where you can appreciate differences rather than judging them and make decisions as to whether people do or do not augment your life from a place of whether or not they resonate with your energy rather than if they are or not simply the same or different than you.
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