Our Divine Download for August 30, 2020 is Intention/Discovery from the Quantum Oracle. Unexpected, happy developments are on the horizon! Get ready - a time of discovery is opening up for you! New ideas and new energies will help bring to fruition a goal that you've been working on, and it's probably going to work out even better than you every thought that it could. There may still be more work left to do toward said goal, and that work might even be difficult, perhaps even painstakingly so, but, this card is assuring you that positive resolution is at hand. Be open for new, unexpected discoveries to bring great value into your life. This is an auspicious time. You are surrounded with the energy of new ideas, information, and connections. If you have been experiencing delays in reaching your goal, and there have been many blocks which have been exceedingly hard to overcome, it may be time to reconsider if your goal is still truly something that you want. If it doesn't raise your vibration and make your heart sing, it could be that your discovery is that your goals and your priorities have shifted and that's okay! That's part of life! If you're unhappy, or even miserable in the pursuit of a goal, that's a pretty powerful sign that it's not for you anymore. And that's great news! Because it means that there is something even better out there that IS for you, which WILL make your heart sing! Take the time to find the path that calls to you. Take time to discover yourself, to discover your heart, and what is truly in alignment with your beautiful heart and sings the song of your soul. You are not a failure if you alter the original plan. Especially if in doing so you stumble upon a new and better plan! Affirm: "Wonderful new discoveries are waiting for me. I open myself to new ideas and great new results!"
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