Our Divine Download for July 27, 2024 is Reevaluate Your Priorities from The Divine Energy Oracle. Are you engaging with people and plans that don't feel right and ignoring your instincts? Is the lure of potential promised rewards keeping you engaged in situations you know are not for your highest and greatest good? Are you involved with people, ideas, or situations that compromise your integrity? Are you shutting your eyes to blatant ethical lapses of your own or others or disregarding the red flags of warning along the way? If so, this is the time to reverse, redirect, reevaluate, and course correct before trouble befalls you, which it most certainly will. You are being called to reevaluate your priorities and stay true to your higher self. You're soul's maturity and ethics are being tested by the universe, and unless you rethink your values, you may not pass the test (which is okay, because the test can always be retaken, but not without additional challenging preparation). You are being encouraged to temper your ambition for superficial desires, and put aside all thoughts of personal comfort and gain for the time being. Nothing is worth pursuing if it compromises your integrity (NOTHING). Although you've been given the gift of free will, you cannot escape the consequences of your choices. (Thank goodness, because this is how we learn!) In other words, what goes around comes around, and no matter how cleaver or brilliant you think or feel that you are, there is simply no bypassing this fundamental law of the universe. You'll only invite chaos at best and disaster at worse if you try. So maybe just don't do that! You know when you're headed down the wrong path, so turn around before you hit a dead end and the universe forces you to do so anyway. Very simply, if your priorities do not reflect and align with your values, it is time to reevaluate either your priorities, your direction, your motivation, or your path. But the best part about reevaluation is that you can reevaluate over and over and over again, and you never run out of opportunities or options to change your mind, your priorities, and ultimately your path.
Sometimes we can get caught up in a certain way of thinking that gets us stuck and we need our Angels help to unstick us during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
