Our Divine Download for November 3, 2023 is Oak/Duir from The Green Man Tree Oracle with the Green Man Wisdom "No one knows their fate." Fate is a door that can swing in both directions. We may endeavor to know what our own personal fate is going to be, but to do this can be a double-edged sword. We have all had the experience where we have wondered what the future holds in store, only to be disappointed by the thought that when we know such things, it changes everything, and effectively takes away our freedom of choice. True fate comes from recognizing each moment for what it contains, and acknowledging a fateful chance that brings us closer to the path we are meant to be walking. Fate is not written in stone because we have choices which open up before us every single day. Fate also does not control the path we take, for it merely guides us towards the realization of our potential. To understand this brings both strength and an age-old wisdom that teaches us how to live in harmony with the circumstances that fate may have put in front of us. When you draw this card, think about what it is that is truly motivating you. Don't let the idea of fate be one that keeps you stuck thinking that you are a victim to certain predestined circumstances. Rather, allow fate to be like the mighty oak tree and root you into the potential that you have available to you should you so choose. Never think of fate as a negative, or a bad thing, or something to be suffered. Always look at fate as an opportunity to grow as tall and hardy as the mighty oak trees that are the oldest and deepest into the forest, most rooted into universal wisdom.
Sometimes we may feel that we are fated to have particular outcomes because we are carrying the DNA and cellular memory of our families of origin and to free ourselves from those misconceptions, and the very real bondage of the negative cords of attachment that come with DNA and through cellular memory, we may need an Energetic Cord Cutting. Schedule Your Energetic Cord Cutting TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
