Our Divine Download for August 19, 2022 is Michael/Transmutation from the Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards. Archangel Michael is here reminding us of the great Master Alchemist, the Egyptian God Thoth, who frequently works with Archangel Michael. It wasn't so very long ago that we received another message about transmutation - in fact, that word, that concept, that "change your life NOW" kind of energy has seemingly pervaded most of our recent messages. This is another confirmation that you are moving through a rapid spiritual growth, as well as the affirmation that Archangel Michael is here protecting you through these changes and encouraging you to have the courage to embrace your full personal and alchemical powers. We can embrace the art of alchemy in our own lives when we attempt to turn our base metal into gold by turning the negatives that come from the shadow side of ourselves and our previous circumstances into positives. Love is the medium through which this art is best created and the sough "Hah" can be chanted to vibrate love through our hearts. Archangel Michael prepares you for further transmutation by asking you to consider if you are open to the greatness of your potential power? (And if not, he challenges you to open to it!) Does the idea of being master of your own destiny make you fearful or joyous? Do you want your life to be rich with new creative opportunities? Is your life open to the creative flow of the universe? Do you hide your powerful potential from the world? You can use the following affirmations to connect with Archangel Michael to support you through your rapid spiritual growth: "May I be patient. May I be enchanted. May I feel powerful. May I live in peace." And so it is!
An Integrative Reiki Session can help you clear space within your own energy field to make the rapid spiritual growth that you are experiencing as easy on your physical body as possible, while also making space to help you fully connect to your own inner power. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session Today: Book Your Session HERE!
