Our Divine Download for June 23, 2023 is The Lovers from Guardian Angels Messages Tarot. This may actually be one of the most misunderstood cards in all of tarot. Yes, this can absolutely be about love and lovers, and usually when it appears it is a positive affirmation or confirmation thereof. BUT this card is also about choices. When the lovers card appears it can be that we need to make choices between two potential suitors or love interests, or it could be that we have other choices we need to make in our lives. Either way, whether this card comes up for you about a relationship, or about making a choice or choices, Archangel Raphael is often associated with this card (and with romantic relationships in general) so it is a sign that your relationship and your choices put you on a path towards healing. You are healing! Your relationship is healing. It could be that your relationship is healing you, or that you and your partner are healing each other within the relationship. So this is definitely a good news card any way you slice it. The other important thing to keep in mind when this card shows up is that it is a major arcana card, which means this isn't a minor thing or a minimal healing we are talking about. This is big deal, big news type stuff. So thumbs up for relationships, especially romantic relationships. Thumbs up for choices. And two thumbs up for the healing that is associated with these changes moving forward.
When you would like to see which cards come up for you and hear the interpretation thereof and the messages contained therein, it is the perfect time to book a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
