Our Divine Download for August 15, 2024 is Divine Masculine/Electric, Active Power from The Priestess of Light Oracle. Hmmm, it wasn't so very long ago that we just saw another card about divine masculine energy. When we break divine masculine and divine feminine energies down to the barest bones, their rawest forms, divine masculine energy is all about doing and divine feminine energy is all about being. So what is it that you need to be doing right now that you are not? More specifically, what electric and active power type of thing do you need to be doing right now? If you don't know, it is time to lean into your intuition (yes, a divine feminine construct - it's ultimately all about balance!) to figure it out. This could also be a sign for you that you are doing too much, or doing things that are just "busy work" and not ultimately moving you forward. Divine masculine energy is also all about giving, and divine feminine energy is about receiving. How is the balance of giving and receiving in your life? Do you need to be giving more to yourself? Prioritizing yourself more and giving yourself more in this way? If you have had blocks or imbalances in the past between doing and being, giving and receiving, divine masculine and divine feminine constructs or energy, it is absolutely time to bring that into balance, regardless what side of the spectrum you may have fallen on in the past. When we acknowledge the divine masculine energy, and honor it for the innate divinity that it has, it becomes much easier to appropriately utilize and embody it. Although we live in a patriarchal driven society, that isn't the true expression of the divine masculine. Rather, it is the express of toxic masculinity. Don't confuse the two! Honor the divine masculine, especially with the men in your life that embrace and embody their own divine masculine nature appropriately.
An Integrative Reiki Session can correct any potential energetic imbalances that you may have between divine masculine and divine feminine energies. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
