Our Divine Download for January 22, 2025 is Detox Your Friendships from The Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards. Sometimes what we have an abundance of in our life is bullshit and negativity. When that is the case, there really isn't much room or any space for greater abundance and blessings to land. Yes, it is true that ultimately we are the co-creators of our own reality and our own destiny, but at the same time, when everything and everyone around is is spewing negative and toxic nonsense, it makes it difficult, if not impossible for us to create the abundance, much less the life that we want. Take an honest inventory not only of your friendships, but of all of your relationships. How do you feel when you interact with the people in those relationships? If you feel drained, or worse, then it is probably necessary for you to detox on some level. This isn't to say that you have to completely sever that relationship, but you do need to be mindful of exactly how much time, energy and space you are going to invest in it. Our time is one of our greatest commodities on the earth plane (even if it is not real) and we receive the dividends of the investments that we make with our time. If you don't like what you have been receiving or how your life looks, then look to how, where, and in whom you have been investing your time. We fall into habits and patterns where we tend to interact with people because it is what we have always done, or we feel it is required or what is expected of us. However the reality is that we get to make the choice as to where, when, how, and in whom we invest our energy. If your energetic investment in someone isn't yielding the dividends that you want, need, or expected, simply pivot and invest your energy differently. If someone in your life is only every pouring into you at a 2 or a 3, why would you continue to pour into them at a 10? If there are relationships in your life that have fallen off, or not gone as you have wanted them to, ask yourself if you were truly participating in that relationship with authentic reciprocity. Detox doesn't mean cut out. Detox doesn't meant detach. Detox simply means to cut the bullshit, or at least cut it down, however that needs to look for you.
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