Our Divine Download for January 16, 2025 is Ask For Help From Others from The Angel Answers Oracle Cards. Ahem. You know how The Beatles sang "we get by with a little help from our friends..." yeah, well, they were talking about you too. No man (or woman) is an island and we are meant to be an interdependent species. Meaning we're supposed to help each other. But we're all so damn stubborn about it and we have all these seemingly selfless and pseudo creative excuses like "I don't want to put anyone out..." or "I don't want to be a bother..." or "they have their own stuff..." and so on and so forth. Blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda. It's all bullshit. Utter and total bullshit. Because here's the reality: you cannot (CAN NOT) do it all on your own. No one can. And, spoiler alert, you're not meant to. How would you feel if you found out that one of your friends or family members was struggling with something or really hitting a proverbial brick wall when it came to trying to figure out how to get something done, and they didn't ask you when you absolutely could have and would have wanted to help? You'd feel a little bit put out. Or a lotta bit. Or perhaps you'd even wonder if they were upset with you or if they were intentionally isolating and staying away from you. And chances are better than not that you would probably take it more than somewhat personally, even though it had absolutely nothing to do with you and everything to do with their inability to ask and or receive. SO...guess how YOUR friends and family likely feel when YOU don't ask them for help?! Ahem. We all fell into this unhealthy and unsustainable groove of isolative behavior during and following the pandemic that was maladaptive at best. Well, guess what, it didn't work then, and it's REALLY not working now. It created further division. It created further separation. Which is absolutely NOT what our world needs now. So ask for help from others. Start small if you have to. Don't wait for an emergent situation before you decide to accept this assignment. Ask. For. Help. It's not only your assignment, but your lesson. The other side of the coin is that when you don't ask for help you are effectively telling the universe that you don't need anything, like at all. Is that really the message that you want to be sending the universe? How do you think that's going to be received? How do you think that's going to affect your manifestation? Yeah, so just ask for help already! Accept the assignment! You can do hard things (and also it doesn't have to be that hard!)
Often times we have challenges asking for help because of our astrological placements or transits (on top of patterning and messaging from our families of origin). If you are unfamiliar with the astrology of your own birth chart, and Intuitive Astrological Interpretation can help you make sense of how and why things are the way they are for you, and give you powerful Spiritual Action Steps about what you can do about it. Schedule Your Intuitive Astrological Chart Interpretation TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
