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Know Thyself & Create Your Truth

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for May 23, 2023 is Saraswati The Goddess of Self-Knowledge from The Divine Feminine Oracle with the message "The essence of who I am flows effortlessly into everything that I create." We live in a society where we do not necessarily value nor celebrate individuality and Saraswati is reminding us that this is simply nonsense. We may *pretend* that we value, embrace, and celebrate individuality, but do we? Actually? Personally? Collectively? Ultimately, not so much. If we did, we wouldn't have to pass laws to protect the rights of certain minority groups. Simple as that. So what is your essence? Your true essence? Your Divine essence? What is the truth of who you are on a spiritual level? Do you know? Are you sharing that with the world? If not, why in the hell not?! Because you're pretty freaking amazing. The more that we can tap into and tune into the essence of who we are, the more we are able to create things that are in line with that essence, therefore, the more easily and innately our creativity flows and the more authentically we are able to live our divine right purpose. No big deal ;) Some of us have grown up in or been conditioned by environments and circumstances where we are completely disconnected from any or all self-knowledge. This is your clear directive to take back your power, all of your power, the truth of your power, by getting to know yourself again (or even for the first time), in this way. Because baby you're a star!

When you're feeling disconnected from your own self-knowledge, whatever the reason, your Angels will help guide you back to the whole of your spiritual truth during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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