Our Divine Download for June 25, 2024 is I Am Whole Even When I Feel Lost. I, Like The Moon, Am Whole In All My Phases And Stages from the Wisdom Del Alma Cards. "I know that the Moon is not more beautiful in one phase than another. She is not more worthy in one phase than another. She is in motion, evolving, and so am I. So am I." We all go through different times in our lives that are easier or harder, and every level in between. We go through some stages where nothing much seems to happen, and we can become nearly bored with our existence, and then we go through other stages where everything just feels like it is absolute shit and nothing could go right no matter what we do. We also go through some wonderful celebratory stages where we feel like we are absolutely on top of the world. This is how we learn. Through contrast. Through challenges. Through experiences (of all kinds) and we are here on Earth for two reasons: to learn and be in joy. We can bring more joy into our lives when we can accept our inherent learning phases and accept that our worthiness is not affected in any way shape of form by our external circumstances or anything that may or may not be going on in our lives at any given time. We needent let our circumstances define us or control us, and they simply have no bearing on our inner worth. #facts They're merely a vehicle for which we learn. When we can de-stigmatize some of the situations and phases in our lives, it is a lot easier to maintain our worth and lean into the joy we are here to experience which is our birth right. So go through the phases and stages of your life, and recognize each for exactly what it is: a temporary situation with an imbedded learning experience.
In order to access your full worthiness, a Karuna Reiki Session offers deeper levels of healing and more easily and gently addresses old emotional wounds which may have caused us to feel unworthy in the past. Schedule Your Karuna Reiki Session Today: Book Your Session HERE!
