Our Divine Download for January 20, 2024 is See This From A Higher Perspective from the Raise Your Vibration Oracle. There is a situation (or situations...) in your life right now that you are not seeing clearly. It could simply be because you are too close to it. It could also be because you are looking at it in a 3D way, when much is going on behind the energetic scenes that you do not yet have privy to. Either way, this card is asking you to take a step back and realize that what you are seeing, how you are interpreting the information, is not completely accurate. You would do well to raise your vibration (perhaps through meditation, perhaps through listening to some healing megahertz music or other vibrational sound healing) and go inward, not to your mind space, but into your heart space, your intuition, and see through the eyes of your higher self. The information available to you there will likely change your outlook and offer you potential solutions that may not be readily available in a more 3D type mind space. In order to see from a higher perspective, you must first raise your vibration and your energy. You know best how to do this for you, so it's time to lift yourself up. Up, and out of the perspective in which you are stuck and which does not serve you.
Meditation is a sure fire way to life your vibration and see things from a higher perspective. If it is something that you struggle with, get the support and guidance that you need in a Meditation & Me Session. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
