Our Divine Download for November 29, 2024 is Peridot/So Much Life In You from the Illustrated Crystallary. Deep in your heart, there's a place of immense joy and shining wellness, where moss carpets the rocks and tree trunks are crisscrossed by flowering Vines. The air is rich with bird songs and every breath is crisp and vibrant, reaffirming life. In this magical and miraculous inner landscape, anything is possible. You can sip from the well of wisdom, play with the strands of time, and restore your soul when it grows world-weary. This is the space where Peridot lives, spiraling through the never-ending green. "Come dance with me," she whispers. "There is still so much life in you. Restore your spirit and remember your bliss." Peridot connects you with the Medicine Kingdoms: animal, vegetable, and mineral. Carrying Peridot in your pocket (or your heart), take yourself on an adventure in the realms of nature. Perhaps you live near a vast wild explains and can romp in the woods or waters. Or maybe you're in a city where you need to hone your awareness of the microcosmic world: remember, even a small planter can host and abundance of life! Focus on being with, rather than simply moving through this landscape. Use your powers of observation to glean nature's messages. Watch for the slow breath of trees; listen for the scurry of squirrels; roll stones in your hand, feeling their knowledge of the ages of the earth. Allow Peridot to help you feel oneness with the natural world. Peridot asks you to consider what in your life amplifies your power? What makes you feel doubly strong, doubly blessed, and doubly well? Conversely, what makes you feel weakened? What is your proverbial kryptonite? Having an awareness of these things and the ability to answer these questions makes you strong beyond measure.
Crystals are wonderfully healing and a Crystal Healing Session is one of the safest and most relaxing ways to "get stoned." Schedule Your Crystal Healing Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!