Our Divine Download for September 1, 2024 is The Wheel from The Guardian Angel Messages Tarot. The Wheel is a Major Arcana card and in traditional playing cards this would be considered the equivalent of a trump card. When Major Arcana cards show up, we know that we are in a bigger and greater period of change and transformation that most other people. The Wheel is all about things moving forward, especially after periods of delay and frustration. But have no fear, because The Wheel is only capable of moving forward and can never roll backwards or downhill so to speak. You cannot and will not go back from where you've come. You will not repeat the same difficulties or challenges which have led to the delays and frustrations that you have previously experienced. It is simply not possible because you are not the same person and the circumstances that you are dealing with are not the same. #facts Know too that when The Wheel does get rolling, even if it may start rolling forward slowly, it will gradually pick up speed. That is not to say that you will not have control over how quickly things move in your life, as The Wheel is both the proverbial wheel, yet also a steering wheel of sorts. You won't have necessarily have control over the exact speed or trajectory of things as they get rolling, but you will have some. The Wheel is all about change, and usually it is about positive change and good luck and good fortune. This is a most fortuitous card to show up for us. It is only onward and upward through positive forward progress from here! Hooray!
Often when we have had periods of frustration or even stagnation, we don't always believe things are going to get better, even when they are in fact getting better. Our Angels are experts at reassuring us through our doubts and will gladly do so during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
