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Open Up to Outside Help

Our Divine Download for September 3, 2020 is People/Teacher from The Quantum Oracle. This card is all about guides and guidance. But this isn't guidance that comes from within. This is guidance that comes from someone else. There is positive influence which will guide you in a specific area of your life which is entering your life. This guide will be of assistance in a very thoughtful and spiritual way. Now is the time for you to learn. Be proactive about your learning and seek out ways to move forward in these guided learning endeavors. Teachers appear in all forms, all shapes, and all sizes. Even books and online courses can be teachers when we connect with the messages of their teaching in a meaningful way. Perhaps you are being called on to step into the role of teacher yourself and to share your knowledge and your light in the world in a specific way. Get read. Open your heart and your mind because guidance comes in through spirit as well. Be willing to receive the direction and guidance you need, and be willing to share the knowledge and the wisdom that you have. If you have been feeling out of balance, unsure, even uninspired, or maybe have a specific issue which needs to be resolved and you cannot figure out how to do so, or you have been unable to figure out how to get to where you want to be, it's time to center your energy in calmness and reevaluate the situation with an openness to receiving help from whatever source it may be offered. It's okay to ask for help! It's a sign of strength, not one of weakness. There may likely be someone who can help you now. Open up to guides, teachers, friends, and potential mentors in both your personal and spiritual lives. The guidance you receive through this newfound openness could be exactly what you need for a shift within the situation to occur and in order to get your life back in balance and right back on track. Affirm: "I am open to the guidance and inspiration available to me. The knowledge I need comes in many wonderful ways."

Opening to the guidance of a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading is a great way to connect to guides and teachers in the inner plains. Book a Session!


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