Our Divine Download for February 2, 2021 is Iolite with a message to "Shift Your Money Mind-Set" from the Daily Crystal Inspiration Oracle Deck. They (whoever "they" are) says that money makes the world go 'round. BUT, it doesn't have to have so much pull or hold on you that it makes your world go 'round or send you spinning or running in circles! What is your relationship like with money? Just like anything else, money is an energy. It's an energy that we can choose how we interact with, how much importance we place upon it, and how we define our relationship with it. How do you interact with the energy of money? Iolite asks us to be consciously aware of the relationship that we have with money and to shift our perspective and our perceptions to focusing on what we have rather than what we do not have. None of us have starved or died yet in this life time. We may not have always had everything we want, but most of the time, we have always had enough. We have always been provided for. Can you allow yourself to embrace a feeling of "enough-ness?" Bring your awareness to your internal state, and challenge yourself to express gratitude for where you are and what you have right now. Be conscious of and responsible for your habits as a spender and as a consumer. Do you buy what you want or what you need? Are you mindful of who and where you buy from and what you are supporting in doing so? Tap into yourself and look at what would make you content with your current financial situation? What amount of money are you actually willing to allow yourself to receive? The more gratitude you can experience and express for what you have right now, the more aligned you become with the frequency of abundance and the more you will have to be grateful for. Iolite asks you to affirm "I live in a state of abundance." Iolite challenges you to express appreciation for all that you have today, and each day. Enjoy discovering just how abundant you can be!
Abundance and healthy money mindsets can be challenging for many people, especially based on past experiences. If you have struggled with poverty consciousness or your money mindset needs an attitude adjustment, work with your Angels with a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading for some Divine Downloads just for you on how to live your most divinely inspired abundant life. Book your Session Today!
