Our Divine Download for January 17, 2025 is Words of Abundance from the Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards. Words are powerful. Both spoken and written language are the cornerstones of nearly all society and all culture. What words are you choosing when you communicate about abundance? Are they words of fear? Words of lack? Words of affirmation? Words that directly correlate to and acknowledge abundance? The words that you choose surrounding abundance are extra important right now. When messages like this come up, there is an unspoken underlying message which is also that not only do you need to be extra mindful about what and how you are communicating about abundance, but you also need to lean into gratitude. You may not yet have all that you want. You may not feel that you have all that you need. But what do you have? Chances are better than not that you not only have enough, but you have more than enough. All most of us have to do is look to the piles in our laundry room to prove that! The reality (REALITY) is that we live on an abundant planet in an abundant universe. There is absolutely more than enough for all of us, every living human being to have MORE than enough. We often see patterns of poverty or poverty consciousness due to cellular memory and ancestral DNA, and the inability to accept the more than enough that is available to us. So lean into those realities while being mindful of how you are framing your language surrounding your abundance. Instead of saying "I'm broke" (which is NOT an energy that you want to put out to the universe on ANY level) try saying "I'm temporarily cash depleted" if you can't get all the way to "I AM abundant!" Words have power. Words matter. Use your words surrounding your abundance wisely.
If you have had on-going challenges with your prosperity and abundance, it could be due to cellular memory and ancestral DNA and an Energetic Cord Cutting can eliminate those patterns. Schedule Your Energetic Cord Cutting TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
