Our Divine Download for May 14, 2022 is Ixchel from Legendary Ladies Goddess Deck. Ixchel is a Mayan moon goddess of creativity and she is overseeing your reinvention right now, even if you don't yet see it or feel it. Through this reinvention, you are experiencing a healing of one or more parts of your life or within your being. This is a fortuitous time to make a change or changes and any transitions you may feel called to make right now have Ixchel's blessing. Some of these changes or much of this reinvention can be considered rainbows following your proverbial or literal storms, so know that these changes herald the light returning to your life and the sun coming out for you to warm you literally or figuratively. Other changes that you may be thinking about or considering, will lead you more towards the center of your spiritual truth and will be focused on or rooted in your soul growth. Much of this change or reinvention will also allow you to feel a lightening of, cleansing or purging of, or balancing of your emotions . You may feel as though you have your head above more turbulent or tumultuous, or even deeply stagnant emotional waters for the first time in a very long time, allowing you to truly and freely catch your emotional breath and breath in the support of the universe and better and more easily connect with the universal support that is available to you. Ixchel lovingly reminds you that you are never responsible for making changes, especially big changes in your life on your own or by yourself. You have as much universal and cosmic support around you and available to you as you are willing to accept. Accept the help. Make the change. Experience reinvention. Only good will come through these transitions.
Sometimes when we feel called to change or to reinvent ourselves, it can feel overwhelming and it can be challenging to decide where to start. Our Angels will lovingly offer us guidance through simple and easy to follow Spiritual Action Steps during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading Today: Book Your Session HERE!
Perfect timing. When my parents were alive I hated the house they lived in. It would make me sick to my stomach when I would enter. I believed what was there had killed them. So I connected to it yesterday and removed what was there. (An asshole that in life attacked women with one of his victims, 3 older men who coincidentally all died from cancer like my dad, and a demonic figure.) I did what I wish I had done 37 years ago. But I felt supported and finally got my closure.