Our Divine Download for September 14, 2022 is Butterfly Wings from the Universal Wisdom Oracle Cards. Butterfly Wings have shown up in your life today to mirror the beauty inside of you and to remind you of the sacred beauty that you are. They also alert you that profound transformation is taking place in your life now due to the fact that you have managed to reconcile issue from your past allowing your true authentic nature to emerge. You are being asked to nurture your authenticity in order to share your true self with the world. Surround yourself with nature and you will connect with a greater, deeper sense of magic and love because nature embodies the healing universal energies. The magical power of nature help to awaken your own innate magic. You are on a path to deepen your spiritual awareness and connection and to connect further and deeper to the full extent of your own capabilities than ever before. You may surprise even yourself in the best possible way. Much of what you experience in the coming months will have a magical and inspirational effect on your life and will be felt by those around you as well. Butterflies will be a powerful symbol for you right now during this time of transformation that awaits you. Every time a butterfly flutters into your field of vision and into your life, take heart because that is confirmation for you that you are on the right path.
No one ever talks about the fact that though transformation is magical and wonderful, it is also hard as hell and can leave us feeling like we need a little or a lot of extra support. Offer your entire body, mind, and spirit that extra support with an Integrative Reiki Session. Schedule Your Session Today: Book Your Session HERE!
