Our Divine Download for January 28, 2025 is Third Eye Chakra from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards. Our third eye is the center of our intuition and the physical location on our body where all of the meridians that support and tie into our intuition connect. If you have shied away from your intuition in the past because maybe you had some fear or perhaps you received some unfortunate messaging surrounding intuition in your childhood, now is the time to lean ALL the way back in and embrace your intuition, HARD. People sometimes will become overwhelmed by the synchronicities surrounding their intuitive experiences and will essentially shut themselves away from their intuition as a means to feeling safe because they did not have the guidance or support and did not know what else to do. Your intuition is like a facet (and ideally it should flow naturally like water!), and just like with any faucet, you are able to use the knob to control to what extent your intuition flows. You can turn it on and blast it full board, you can turn it on only to a drip or a trickle, or you can find some middle ground flow rate where you are most comfortable. But you are always in control (free will choice bonus!) Even at different times in your life, depending on what else you are dealing with and what else you may be juggling, you can adjust the faucet of your intuition accordingly so that it can best correlate with what you are able to take in an process mentally and emotionally right now. The other reason that people often turn off or shy away from their intuition is because they are scared, largely due to the dogmatic programming of organized religion, that they will connect with or let in something "dark" or "evil." When you set the intention that only energies and entities that are of love and light will come through, then so it is. It truly is that simple.
If you have blocked your Third Eye Chakra in the past, it can be helpful to balance your energy centers and remove all blocks with an Integrative Reiki Session. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
