Our Divine Download for January 24, 2025 is Crown Chakra from the Angel Therapy Oracle Card. Yesterday we had a message about listening to our Divine Guidance and today's message piggybacks on that confirming that our Crown Chakras our open and we are receptive to Divine ideas and inspiration right now, perhaps moreso than usual. But, we also have to pay attention to our Crown Chakras, protect our Crown Chakras, and even exercise our Crown Chakra. It isn't enough to hope to have a connection with the Divine, we have to actively take steps to ensure that happens. Step one is that we have to talk to the Divine. Out loud. We have to cultivate a relationship with the Divine where we are asking them for what we want and need every single day, and create space in our lives and in our routines to allow them to answer us through the ideas that come in through our Crown Chakra. When we are talking to the Divine, we are also not limited in simply asking for things. We can talk to them the same way that we would talk to a trusted friend or relative. If we don't like how things are or how a particular situation is going, then we can unleash the heavy energy of our dissatisfaction or discouragement on the Divine because that in turn creates so much space within us for our blessings to land. We also need to understand that if we ask for a million dollars, it is unlikely that there will then be knock at the door and someone will be standing there ready to hand us a million dollars. But what will happen is that when we are meditation (a-hem) in that quiet, still place that we have cultivated for the Divine to answer us, we will be inspired by action steps and those action steps may lead us to our million dollars, or they may lead us to more actions steps. Regardless of the path that it takes and the way that it unfolds, trust that you are receiving accurate guidance through your Crown Chakra right now, so now is the perfect time to jump aboard the co-creation and co-manifestation train!
Meditation is such a crucial step in communing with the Divine. If your meditation practice has been challenging, or if it maybe just doesn't look the way that you want it to, or you're afraid that you're doing in "wrong," now is the perfect time for a Mediation & Me Session. Schedule Your Mediation & Me Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
