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Abundant Stars Shining Up Above You

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for September 3, 2024 is The Star from The Guardian Angel Messages Tarot. The Star is also a Major Arcana Card, so this is an absolutely magical and abundant time (and if you're not feeling it just yet, give it a beat because you'll look back on these days and see them as your turning point!) The Star is one of the best cards in the entire tarot deck. It talks about Inspiration, Fulfillment, and Faith, all of which are wonderful. It also gives a nod to the literal stars in the sky and how the heavens (aka the universe) will always guide our way, as long as we remember to look up and ask for that guidance. But by far the best part of The Star card is the ABUNDANCE that it implies. The jugs of water which are featured on nearly every representation of The Star card aren't being filled by anything that we can see. Yet they are SO abundant, so voluminous, that the water they pour forth is that of an endless supply and it is literally carving rivers into the landscape because it is so abundant. That type of abundance is available to you now. (It really always has been, but it is more accessible to you now than it ever has been before.) It is in our very nature to be as abundant as the stars in the sky. It is our birth right to harness and harvest that abundance. So why do we doubt it? Why don't we just DO it already? Because the world that we live in has conditioned us to forget that we are abundant to that extent and we have become disconnected from the spiritual truth of who and what we are. Trust me, this is one spiritual truth that you want to plug back into, stat! When you can recognize and learn to trust that level of abundance, Inspiration, Fulfillment, and Faith, all become vastly more obtainable and even believable. It's definitely time, way past time in fact, to get your abundance on in this way. Connect, believe, achieve.

We tend to doubt our abundant nature and our Angels understand that this is because of our past conditioning and the circumstances of the world that we live in. They will happily buoy our faith in our abundance during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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