Our Divine Download for July 19, 2023 is Awareness from The Psychic Tarot. This is a major arcana card (the equivalent of trump cards in traditional playing cards and indicative of big deal energy, changes, and transformations) and in other tarot interpretations would be considered the Magician. The Magician tells us that we are ready! We have everything that it takes (and then some) to create the lives of our dreams. And how do we do that? Through our intuitive connection and divine awareness of course! It is by allowing our intuition to be our guide and allowing the universe to guide and support us that we can truly create magic in our lives. The source of true alchemy doesn't come from any specific formula. We are alchemists when we follow our hearts and our intuition to manifest what it is we want in our lives and what we want in our lives and how we want our lives to be. Every single one of us has the same connection, the same opportunity. But we have to BELIEVE that we do. We have to have faith. What good does divine connection do us without faith?! The faith that we need to have isn't just in our divine connection, and our manifestation ability, but really at the end of the day, it is the faith that we have in ourselves that will make or break our attempts at magic. Give yourself the gift of believing in yourself enough to experience your own magic. Because you're ready!
When you are seeking connection... When you are ready for clarity... Discover your Infinite Potential Healing here: Book Your Session HERE!
