Our Divine Download for November 11, 2024 is Quaking Aspen/We Are One from The Illustrated Herbiary. Despite the trembling of her leaves, Aspen really isn't scared because deep under ground, all the Aspens hold hands. To our eyes Aspen trees are individuals, but in their roots and hearts they're one. This is not a mere metaphor: Aspens grow in what's called a clonal colony, sending out underground suckers to fund a lovely spot to sprout a sister-tree. Aspen groves are among the largest and oldest single organisms on the planet. When you see Aspen quivering, it's often with laughter as she giggles gently at the human race, who seems to have forgotten that deep in our roots we too are one. Aspen asks us to root into this sense of connection so we can let go of our fears. Aspen knows she's part of something greater than herself, a sense we humans often lack. Take a few moments to reconnect with the comforting awareness that everything is connected. Stand with your eyes closed and breathe gently. When you feel your shoulders relax and your breath come easily, begin to imagine your feet as roots gently pushing into the Earth (it doesn't matter if the ground is three floors away because your energetic roots know how to find dirt!) As you sink down, picture the feet of others near you also burrowing into the Earth, feet turning to roots and runners. Embrace the crisscross tangling of your feet-roots, traveling along these connections to the place where you know we are all one. Call on Aspen. She knows how to be cradled by the collective while stretching her very individual limbs up to the stars.
When we are having difficulties connecting with others it is often because we are disconnected from ourselves. A Karuna Reiki Session can help us to heal any energies blocking us from connecting with ourselves or others. Schedule Your Karuna Reiki Session Today: Book Your Session HERE!
