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Brush Away Those Batty Thoughts

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for October 27, 2023 is Eight of Bats from The Halloween Tarot. In other tarot interpretations this would be considered the eight of air, eight of swords, eight of spring, eight of Archangel Gabriel. Bats are a cerebral energy that have to do with our thinking, our over thinking, and our stinkin' thinkin' (because we never do any of that!) The Eight of Bats has to do with the illusion of being trapped. If we look at the lady on the card, though she is tied up, whatever those batty thoughts have her tied up with doesn't look like it is very strong or very durable, so it is nothing that she could not potentially just spread her arms and legs and break out of, which she would see if she simply chose to take off her blind fold and swat those bats, and their batty thoughts away. But for some reason she has thought herself right into the land of illusion where she is afraid to take action, and thus remains stuck in her own thoughts. Where are you stuck in your own thoughts? Where are you afraid to take action to liberate you in your own life or in situations within your life? What are you not seeing that could unbind you through a course of simple actions? What are you allowing to drive you batty when the reality is it is a nuisance that could be simply swatted away, proverbially or otherwise? These are the questions that the Eight of Bats asks you to consider. Make sure that you consider them honestly, and see them and the situations that are driving you batty for the truth of how and what they really are. Be willing not to just to consider them, but to get our of your head and actually take action, because in this case it is the action that you take (not the thoughts that you think) that will set you free.

Sometimes when we become stuck in our own thoughts and they are driving us batty, it can be helpful to gain the perspective of our Angels during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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