Our Divine Download for July 8, 2023 is Hear/Great Horned Owl with the question "What am I listening for?" from the Prairie Magic Oracle. We hear SO many things throughout our days. So much noise, so much static, so much negativity, and so much shit we just wish we didn't hear. Our ear chakras are often hot, out of balance, and just not happy with us due to the constant assault of sensory energy that they are taking on 24/7. But there's a difference between hearing and listening. We can hear without listening (and God knows this happens every single day!). And we can also change our experience (and possibly make our ear chakras a little happier) by listening for those things that we actually want to hear. We can choose to listen specifically for nature sounds, positive comments, soothing things like wind chimes, affirmations, etc. But we don't usually. We don't typically go through our lives with any filters or perameters around what we want to listen for, and yet we wonder why our senses become overloaded. It's time to tune into what we want to listen for and truly hear it. It's also time to tune out of those things that we really don't want to hear or listen to. We have greater mental power over all of our senses that we have been lead to believe, even if we may have diagnosed alleged deficits within particular senses. It is time to flex the muscles of our sense of hearing to fine tune our hearing and listening experiences.
An Integrative Reiki Session can help balance our over-loaded and over-stimulated ear chakras making it easier for us to both hear and listen. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
