Our Divine Download for November 28, 2023 is Five of Spring/Ram from the Animal Tarot. In other tarot interpretations this would be considered the five of fire, five of wands, five of Archangel Gabriel. As we can clearly see in the image on the card, the five of spring is another card of conflict, not terribly dissimilar to the five of air we saw a few short days ago. But this time, rather than just thinking about the conflict, we've gone ahead and locked our proverbial horns and have full on engaged in it. And, it's not working out for us so well (hint: it never will). The five of spring can also have to deal with just having to deal with two many bothersome and cumbersome details which are frankly causing a state of overwhelm as we feel like we are spinning our proverbial wheels and that is of course making us cranky. The thing about conflict with others is that it is a natural part of life, and it's going to happen. But we always have the choice whether or not to blow it up or blow it out and away completely. To take that a step further, we always have the choice as to whether or not we engage in the conflict at all. When someone wants to lock horns with us, and we simply refuse and back away, in our centered state of piece, they will just look like the aggressive ass that they are as they keep coming for us and at us. Sometimes the absolute best thing that we can do in situations involving conflict is to back away and let them do what they will. We do not have to decide to engage in any conflict at all, ever. This is not advising us to be proverbial pushovers either, but it is important to decide if any particular conflict is a hill that we are willing to die on proverbially speaking. Chances are that 99.97% of the hills that we climb will not be. So do what you can to de-escalate situations and keep your peace and let others rage on around you. You'll be so busy winning at life that you'll barely notice.
Our Angels know that conflict is a challenging part of the human condition and they will gladly guide us through any conflict that we may be having with others (and even with ourselves) during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
