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Compassionately Parent Yourself

Our Divine Download for December 10, 2023 is Compassion/Archangel Zadkiel from the Archangel Oracle Cards. This one can be such a tough one with the harshness of the world we live in and the amount of anger and chaos that we encounter on a day-to-day basis. But it is also so very important. We can never know someone else's reality unless we have lived it, and even then there will always be factors which are unique to them as individuals that may make a similar or even same situation completely different. So it is important to try to extent compassion to all, every chance that we get. Sometimes that might look like praying "God help that SOB!" and if that's the best you can do for now, practice that and extent compassion to yourself as well. There is a call for all of us to soften our hearts and extend compassion as far and as wide as we can. We need to be the change that we wish to see in the world. But that compassion MUST start with the compassion that we extend to ourselves. Yeah, that's right. We need to let ourselves off the hook, not judge ourselves so harshly, and extend some major compassion to ourselves. Not just once in a while, but as a regular life practice. Self compassion breeds greater ability to extend more and better compassion to others. So start with you! What does it mean to you to show yourself compassion? What does that look like for you? How comfortable are you with the idea of giving yourself grace and compassion? It's time to get really, Really, REALLY comfortable there. Parent yourself out loud if you have to. Give yourself props. Be soft and gentle with yourself. And extent yourself compassion whenever possible. Because no one is more deserving of your compassion then you!

Sometimes it can be difficult to extend compassion to ourselves because that was not something that was practiced within our families of origin. If we feel restricted by this, An Energetic Cord Cutting can cut the negative cords of attachment relating to the lack of compassion we have experienced from others in our lives. Schedule Your Energetic Cord Cutting TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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