Our Divine Download for December 21, 2024 is Dietary Change from the Magical Messages From The Fairies Oracle. Yup, that's right, it's everyone's favorite card! On this day of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, we are being gently nudged to make some type of dietary change in order to support us through the winter season. Ayurvedic philosophy and practice actually encourages eating the seasons, which makes a lot of sense in terms of eating what is currently being freshly harvested and is available to us at any given time. Check in with yourself and just notice (again, there is great power in observation) if you feel a certain kind of way after eating a certain food, especially during a certain time of year or particular cycle of nature (or even the natural cycles that occur within your own body). If you maybe don't feel your best when you consume that particular food, it may be time to make a different choice, for the moment. Dietary changes do not need to be extreme, and they do not need to be all or nothing. They can be minute and makes worlds of difference. They can be gradual. They can be temporary. So often we sabotage our own well being because we try to go too big or too extreme with the changes that we try to make, and that's just not realistically sustainable. We also fall victim to not giving ourselves grace for making progress because we hold ourselves to the standards of perfection (Hint: perfection isn't possible. There was only ever allegedly one "perfect" person on the planet and we crucified him, so perhaps not a goal to be aiming for anyway!) Something is usually better than nothing, less is sometimes better than more (the reverse is true that sometimes more of one thing is better than less - sometimes that dietary changes that we need to be making is to actually ADD something into our diet, not take things away!) We also need to be mindful that the term "diet" has to do with anything that we consume or ingest, not just the foods and drinks that we take in. We may need to make dietary changes with our social media or TV viewing habits, we may need to make dietary changes with who we talk to or spend time with. Whatever tweak you need to make to your current diet, chances are that you knew that it was the second that you saw this card. Trust that. Trust yourself. Go with that. But make sure you incorporate and actually act on whatever change or changes you are being drawn or inspired to make.
Our Angels know that change can be challenging for us, especially in a world where there are so many choices. If you are feeling overwhelmed by choices, or feeling as though your life has gone off the rails to such an extent that you aren't sure where to start or which changes to focus on, your Angels will help us narrow our scope of focus during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading Session. Book Your Session TODAY: Schedule Your Session HERE!