Our Divine Download for September 23, 2022 is Deep Emotions/Unknown Feelings,Past Life Influences from the Priestess of Light Oracle. 2022 could be called the year of deep emotions and I don't know a single person who has found deep diving into the depths of their emotions particularly easy or comfortable. But that is what has been and what is still being asked of us. We need to connect to our emotions in order to process and release, and if we're being real about it, this is something that most of us have neglected to do, and actively avoid doing, for, well, the majority of our lives. A big part of why so many people struggled with their mental health during and since the lock down of the pandemic is because there weren't as many options to distract them from connecting with their emotions and they weren't comfortable in that space or didn't want to accept what they found there. Many of us had big, deep emotions that resulted from the lock down and all other pandemic related things and we are just beginning to see the tip of the ice berg in terms of the overall long term mental health implications of these events on our society. When we invest so much time and so much energy in avoiding the depths of our emotions, we tend to misunderstand their origin and we tend to make events from the past from which those deep feelings stemmed more significant than they need to be. We actually end up causing more pain and trauma for ourselves and even bigger, deeper feelings in our attempts to avoid them. We cannot be present moment focused if we are not connected to our emotions, including and especially our deep emotions. So, how will you flip the script today and allow yourself to be in an emotionally present and connected space? How will you make time and space for yourself to process your deep emotions from your past? What will you do if and when you find yourself in a place where you do know understand your own emotions of their origin? How will you prioritize living an emotionally connected and healthier emotional life from this moment forward?
Our Angels understand our emotions and our deep emotional nature oftentimes better than we do and will help us navigate the depths of our deepest emotions during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your Session Today: Book Your Session HERE!