Our Divine Download for September 2, 2023 is Balance Work, Rest, And Play/Yellow Rose from the Flower Therapy Oracle Cards. Ah, balance. We've been doing so much inner work that seemingly it hasn't come up for us in a while. But alas, here it is again, with the beautiful yellow rose (corresponding to our Solar Plexus Chakra, our center of personal power) reminding us that we live our best lives when we are in a balanced state between the have to's, should do's and want to's, and when we are allowing ourselves the grace and space to take rest on a regular basis. If you don't feel as though you have a good balance (or any balance) in your life right now, this is your sign that it is time to take action steps to ensure that you do, and that you will. Sometimes even small changes can lead to positive benefits and rewards in the long run. It can be as simple as saying no to someone or something else is effectively saying yes to yourself. It's important to note that balance isn't a state of measurement, but a feeling, a state of mind. So it is possible for you to be working more than the average person, but if you feel that you have balance in your life in doing so, if you are still making rest and play somewhat equal priorities, it is that feeling that matters, not the number of hours that you are doing any of the things in those categories. Some of us are fortunate enough to feel as though our work is play, and that can definitely blur the lines and perception of balance a bit. It is important to really figure out what it means to you to work, what it means to you to rest, and what it means to you to play at this juncture in your life. Balance is built on feeling and understanding of these definitions feeds those feelings. Lean in and feel your way into your best balanced life.
Our Angels are experts at helping us figure out and define what balance means to us at this juncture in our lives as well as offering practical Spiritual Action Steps to help us to life our most balanced life and will happily do so during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your Reading TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!