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Find Your Element, Find Your Way To Emotional Freedom

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for November 18, 2024 is Sea Turtle/Find Your Element from The Illustrated Beastiary. Sea Turtle is frustratingly and sometimes even paralyzingly awkward on the beaches of her birth, and where she must go in order to give birth. She paddles in the slipper sand, which she returns to only to lay her eggs. She does not do this annually, but as infrequently as every few years when she can no longer resist the call of her home beach. The rest of the time she is a creature of the water, smoothly swimming great distances and frolicking in the sun-drenched ocean. While birth delivered her to the dandy shore, this ancient creature is most herself when out of her element as water is her true home, the place where she is quick, graceful, and joyous. If you feel uncomfortable within your family or place of origin, call on Sea Turtle to help you find your natural element. Unlike her land-dwelling cousins, Sea Turtle is almost always on the move. She can swim thousands of miles before returning home to her natal shore to lay her eggs. Because Sea Turtle can store the sperm of her mate for up to three years, she inseminates each clutch of eggs with sperm moved from various lovers. After she lays her eggs, she moves on, leaving the baby turtles to be raised by instinct and nature. There is a part of us that longs for this type of freedom: freedom of place, and from family or responsibility. We long to remake our lives out of different stuff than their current Fabric in the same way Sea Turtle sloughs off the dandy shore for the joy of the sea. Our human away is to feel guilty and repress these emotions when they arise. But what if you allow these emotions to surface? What if you allow yourself the freedom to dream everything and anything...and then pick up your responsibilities anew, choosing and appreciating each aspect of your life?

Guilt can be a deeply felt emotion which we hold deep within our physical bodies that can be released and healed with a Karuna Reiki Session, freeing us and making space for emotions which will serve us so much better. Schedule Your Karuna Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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