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Fire Up Your Long-Term Plans

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for September 4, 2024 is Three of Fire from the Guardian Angel Messages Tarot. In other tarot interpretations this would be the three of wands, three of spring, three of Archangel Gabriel. The Three of Fire is all about Goals, Expansion, and Vision. It is about using your creativity to move forward, knowing that you are on the right track, and making optimistic long-term plans. What I love about this representation of the Three of Fire is the image that your ship is coming in. Finally! What a wonderful and profound message! So as you set and achieve your goals, and move towards expansion with clear and creative vision, you can rest assured that your ship will indeed come in. It may not necessarily be today or tomorrow, or even next week or next month, but this is a sure sign that you are charting the correct waters and are steering on the right course. The Three of Fire is about long-term planning, not short-term right now gratification. And that's okay. We've seen that we've got lots of wonderfully good things going on for us right now (or coming in fairly immediately) and this is just a confirmation that our long-term plans are heading in the right direction, just like our short-term plans are now yielding proper and appropriate (and probably better-than-expected) results. So this is great news! This is an exciting card and a fun card of passion, because the element of fire always references those things, and especially those projects that we are passionate about. So if there is something that you are working on or working towards that you're really just not feeling, it might be time to re-evaluate if that is still something that you want to invest your energy in pursuing. Only the passion projects will be supported at this time. Those things that we are passionately pursuing will absolutely yield positive long-term results.

If it has been a hot minute since you've felt passionate about anything, you may have some sort of energy blockage or imbalance that can be brought into better balance through an Integrative Reiki Session. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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