Our Divine Download for November 25, 2023 is Six of Summer/Goose from the Animal Tarot. In other tarot interpretations the six of summer is also know as the six of cups, six of hearts, six of water, six of summer, and six of Archangel Raphael. Summer or water cards in tarot are all about our emotions, as ideally our emotions should flow through us like water. The Six of Summer speaks about our relationships with children, or memories from our own childhood, and especially the potential to revisit them for healing. If you do not have children of your own, or meaningful connections with children in your life, the six of summer could also be coming up for you as encouragement that your own inner child needs some attention right now (and you may even need to play and have some fun!) Sometimes we can also get caught up in romanticizing the past. We can do this two ways: by "remembering" that things were the best of times, or believing that they were the worst of times. The truth is that neither is true, because the truth is almost always much more balanced and usually lies somewhere in the middle. (And let's face it, our lives are not straight out of A Tale of Two Cities!) So what part of your past needs to be revisited and either re-framed, rewritten, or even recommitted to? Which children in your life need your attention and possibly some warmth and nourishment, and even protection as mother goose is wont to provide? Wherever you feel the strongest pull is where the goose and the six of summer and currently directing your attention.
Our Angels understand that issue surrounding both our children and our history can be challenging and they may be issues with which we need some additional support and guidance, which they are happy to provide us during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your Reading TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
