Our Divine Download for February 5, 2025 is Knight of Earth from the Angel Tarot Cards. In other tarot interpretations this would be the knight of pentacles, knight of coins, knight of autumn, and knight of Archangel Ariel. Earth cards in tarot correspond to those things that support us on the earth plane like time, money, and health. They can also tie into our family of origin. Knights in tarot are often about the speed of matters, and earth, for obvious reasons, is the slowest moving element. This is not a message telling you that something isn't going to happen, but rather one that is alerting you that it may take a tad longer than you might ideally want it to. However, this is also all up to you. Because if you buckle down and focus, and stand by your commitment (often to yourself) you do have the ability to make things move more quickly. You also have angelic support available to you specifically to support you in whatever endeavor you are currently working on and with which you need to buckle down. The Knight of Earth and the King of Fire coming up for us in the same week are a sure sign that we have to really hone our focus and block out distractions right now. Whatever your goal or goals are ask yourself with every move you make, every single thing you invest your energy in, is this action, this step, this choice getting me closer to or further away from my goal. Obviously you want or be making more choices, in fact most of your choices each and every day which will move you closer to your goal or goals. "What can I do today, right now, in this moment to further my dreams, my goals, my ambitions?" needs to be a question you are asking yourself on the regular. But then don't just decide on a course of action. You also have to actually do the thing and take the action. In this way, you'll see slow and steady progress than could gain momentum and move things forward faster than you think!
Our Angels understand all about the frustrations that we have with timing and how easily we tend towards distraction and they will give us a workable action plan and some Spiritual Action Steps during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading Session. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!

This card .. damn slap in the face 😂 but I need this slap honestly I was just thinking yesterday. “ wow is this my life ?” Feel like it’s the same over and over everyday !! I have projects and this is my wake up call .. get off my ass and start .. thank you perfect for me at least !💜