Our Divine Download for June 23, 2024 is My Courage Lies In My Vulnerability from The Wisdom Del Alma Cards. "I give myself permission to be soft. I redefine my strength by allowing myself to share my needs, feelings, and self. When I need help, I ask for it. Being honest and vulnerable is an act of bravery that restores my true power. My true strength lies in my vulnerability and honesty." We associate being vulnerable with being weak. This is absolute bullshit because allowing others to see our vulnerability is one of our greatest possible acts of strength. In being vulnerable, we show that we are not only human, but strong enough to be able to accept rejection if in showing our vulnerability it isn't well received or reciprocated. The truth is that will happen from time to time, and that's okay. It's part of life, part of the learning process. And we are still stronger for showing vulnerability. #facts When we walk around in the facade that we are all big and bad and aren't ever vulnerable, there is a lack of authenticity that we are displaying that is making us perpetually weak. Additionally, we are conditioning those around us that we never need anything from anyone, ever. But then we wonder why when we do have needs that need to be met there isn't anyone jumping up or showing up to meet them. Well, we can't have things both ways. It is okay, it is wonderful to say "I need help" or "I can't do this by myself" and it is a show of strength to recognize that rather than a display of potential weakness. Vulnerability isn't comfortable for most of us because we were conditioned for it not to be. Well, it's time to flip the script on that shit and show the world that we too are mere mortals who are in fact vulnerable and do occasionally need help.
Our Angels know that it is not easy of comfortable for us to be vulnerable and they will help us to do so safely and as comfortably as possible in a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading Session. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!