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Heal The Earth, Heal Thyself

Our Divine Download for August 9, 2024 is Healing Earth/The Power To Give and Receive Healing from The Priestess of Light Oracle. Our Earthly home gives each and every one of us the ability and the power to be a healer, if we so choose. We're all healers in our own unique and individual ways, whether we choose to claim and acknowledge that side of ourselves or not. The Earth supports us in all of our healing efforts, whether they be of others, of the Earth herself, or of ourselves. We are supported. We are empowered. Through the Earth and by the Earth. This card takes us right back to our point of discussion a few short days ago about giving and receiving and the need to balance both energies. We must heal others in order to heal ourselves. We must be willing to receive healing ourselves in order to heal others. This isn't to say that the balance must always be 50/50 (Hint: NO relationship ever is!) Sometimes it might be 90/10 or 95/5. Chances are the closest we'll ever get to equality in any relationship is 70/30 or maybe 60/40, and that will swing both ways. And that's okay. What is true of our relationships is also true of our healing endeavors. But when we are receiving 30, the Earth herself will support us by giving us the other 70 percent. We often forget that we are supported by Mother Earth and that she is a partner in everything that we do, and all that we are. She supports us and only wants the best for us. We are our most powerful, and our most successful when we partner with her energy. In order to best experience the greatest connection and support from Mother Earth, start by attending to her and taking one action or making one decision to heal her. The dividend from that healing action will pay itself forward 10,000 fold.

Flower Therapy Healing is one of the most relaxing, fun, and enjoyable ways to experience the many healing modalities and tools that Mother Earth has to offer us, and you even get to keep the flowers used in your session! Schedule Your Flower Therapy Healing Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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