Our Divine Download for September 24, 2025 is Begin Now "Take your first step." from The Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards. What have you been putting off or procrastinating on doing? Guess what? Procrastination time is over and it is time for you to get this proverbial party started. Beginning, taking a first step, doesn't mean that you have to finish or complete anything right now or right this second. It means exactly what it says: take ONE step. Your first step. It doesn't even have to be a big step. Often times we procrastinate because we think that we have to do it ALL RIGHT NOW. That's just nonsense. Rome wasn't built in a day, and whatever it is that you are wanting or needing to begin likely won't be either. But it will be made or built one step at a time, regardless of the size of the steps, or how many steps you take on any given day. As long as you are committed to taking steps and willing to make steady progress (regardless of how slow or frustrating it may feel at the time) you will have a wonderful beginning that will lead to a wonderful completion at some point. Hint: time isn't real anyway, so it doesn't matter WHEN you finish. It simply matters that you take steps towards that end you eventually want to achieve. We get SO hung up on time and we pigeon hole ourselves with ridiculous colloquialisms like "It's too late..." or "I'm too old..." or "I should have done this a long time ago..." Nonsense. It's all nonsense because what is for you will not pass you and it is all happening in the exact way and at the exact time that it is meant to. So begin. Get started. One step. One small step for you, will move energetic mountains in your life. So get to it already!
We often justify all of the "reasons" why we can't or shouldn't start something, but our Angels will support us in the process of gently removing those "reasons" and other similar mental obstacles during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!