Our Divine Download for October 30, 2024 is Seven of Pumpkins from the Halloween Tarot. In other tarot interpretations this would be the Seven of Earth, Seven of Coins, Seven of Pentacles, Seven of Autumn, and Seven of Archangel Ariel. The Seven of Pumpkins/Earth is a great card and the card that I refer to as the "don't worry, be happy card." The Seven of Pumpkins lets us know that there is nothing (NOTHING!) to worry about! NOTHING. Especially in matters that relate to those things that sustain us on the Earth plane like time, money, and health, or our families of origin. If you have been suffering or carrying these worries, go ahead and blow them away. Take a big, deep, cleansing breath from the tip of your toes and demonstratively exhale and blow those worries as far away from yourself as you possibly can. The Seven of Pumpkins also reminds us that we have done the work. We have planted and tended to the seeds that we need to ensure that there will be a bountiful harvest in our future. So no need to worry there. Sometimes, some seeds may take just a little bit longer to sprout, grow, blossom, or produce fruit, but that still does not indicate that there is ANYTHING to worry about. Because there is absolutely NOTHING to worry about. Any delays or pauses in the action are merely a matter of timing (and time isn't real anyway). It is absolutely not the universe telling you "no." Rather, it is the universe, saying to you "hang in there for just a lil bit longer because I've got something EVEN BETTER coming in for you." Whoo-hoo! So, don't worry, be happy. Because there is NOTHING to worry about anyway!
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