Our Divine Download for December 24, 2023 is Children from the Magical Messages From The Fairies Oracle Cards. What a perfect card to draw on Christmas Eve (for those who celebrate) because Christmas is all about children. But more than that, Christmas can also be about embracing our own inner child, and nurturing that child, and giving that child a chance to heal and transform into the radiant creature that they were always meant to be. Have you nurtured your inner child lately? Have you nurtured your inner child today? What does it mean to you to nurture your inner child? What does that look like for you? What it means to you and what it looks like to you is probably not the same as what it means or looks like for anyone else, and that's okay. Your inner child has been through a lot of things, and not all of it was shiny, happy, or pleasant. So it is important to connect to your inner child and acknowledge their experience, comfort them, and encourage them to play. So many of us as adults don't even know anymore what it means to play at this stage of our life, or even what it looks like to have fun. Well, your inner child is demanding that you find out, right about now! The wonderful thing about figuring out what is fun to you and what it means to play at this stage of your life is that you get to try different things on for size and see if you enjoy them (which is kind of fun in it's own right!) Be gentle with yourself, as you would with a precious child. Give yourself grace and love, just like you would with a precious child. Tune into what you inner child needs and wants from you, and what they are trying to tell you, to allow them to transform which will allow you to transform, integrate, and heal.
When we have said harsh experiences with our families of origin, especially as children, the people involved in those harsh experiences can form negative cords of attachment to us which keep us stuck in the loop of those negative experiences. An Energetic Cord Cutting will sever those negative cords of attachment, ending the loop and the cycle. Schedule Your Energetic Cord Cutting Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!