Our Divine Download for January 10, 2025 is Choose A New Direction from the Angel Answers Oracle Cards. Sometimes we can get a lil myopic when we start to look at and think about how things need to be and we fall into habits and patterns of just doing things the way we've always done them because it's the way we've always done them. Or what's worse, it wasn't even us who made the original decision to do something a certain way, but we do it because it's just the way it's always been done out of societal or familial habit or pattern. Well, our Angels are telling us that this simply won't do, and it's not going to work for us any more. Not only do we have to take a hard and fast look at what we're doing, but we need to ask ourselves why we're even doing what we're doing in the first place. If we don't know, or it it is because it is simply how it's always been done, it is time to pivot! (Bonus points for everyone who has the scene from Friends in their heads right now - and if you don't, go Google that, it's worth it!) We need to be very mindful right now about how and why we are doing what we are doing, especially the why. We only have a finite amount of energy and the universe is telling us that using it for proverbial busy work is just going to be a no-go. We are meant to be living our purpose, and in order to do so, a certain amount of awareness and mindfulness must be at play. And it's okay to choose a new direction! It's actually a wonderful thing to choose a new direction, especially if that means that we're going to end up somewhere where we may not have gotten to otherwise or every been before, and especially if we're going to see different, better, and even more effective results. So, be prepared to self-reflect, self-evaluate and pivot when necessary because you are being put on notice that not everything you've been doing, not everything that you've done is going to work for you moving forward. Which is actually wonderful news!
Sometimes we can be less enthusiastic about making changes to the way that we do things because of stuck or blocked energy within our bodies and an Integrative Reiki Session can fix us right up in the most relaxing and rewarding way. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session Today: Book Your Session HERE!