Our Divine Download for June 21, 2022 is Harvest Moon from the Spirit of the Wheel Meditation Deck with the keywords turning point, preparation, gathering. This card signals a time of abundance as the harvest moon correlates to the dates August 23 through September 22 and teaches the art of preparation through the act of gathering. This is a sure sign that your hard work has or is about to pay off. The harvest is now full and ready for gathering and you now get to decide how much to enjoy, share, and store up for your future. You may also need to gather courage, knowledge or even take rest in order to prepare for the road ahead and you are being guided to allow the grace of space in order to be the best most prepared and ready version of yourself. You will not be caught off guard with any potential changes coming your way through this harvest moon cycle when you honor the need for preparedness and follow your guidance. You are evolving in such a way as to allow yourself to enjoy not only the fruits of your labor but an abundant future as well. You are being reminded not just to look after the needs of others, but to prepare your own way and not to simply deny your own needs because if you use all of your energy helping others, your proverbial well will run dry and there will be no space for abundance to bloom or grow. Remember to enjoy the fruits of this bountiful time and gather up what you will need for your future. The Harvest Moon Prayer is: "Great Spirit, thank you for the gifts I receive in my life. I take this time to gather up what I need to prepare for the changes to come."
Abundance can sometimes be a tricky concept to master because of the poverty consciousness that exists within the cellular memory and dna of our ancestral family of origin. An Energetic Cord Cutting will divorce you from all forms of familial poverty consciousness while making space for the positive and healthy cords of attachment to flourish. Schedule Your Energetic Cord Cutting Today: Book Your Session HERE!
