Our Divine Download for January 20, 2025 is Raise or Promotion from the Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards. For some of you this may mean that you will literally be receiving, or may have just received a raise or promotion from your job or the work that you do. Congratulations! For others, this may be a nudge from the universe that you need to start asking for, or even campaigning for a raise or promotion if the work that you do, have been doing, or are doing is not in alignment with your value or skill set. For all of us, this is a reminder to make sure that whatever work we are doing or rates we are charging is in alignment with our innate value and skill set, and if it is not, then it is also a sign that we need to do something about that. We don't want to settle for less. We don't want to work for or allow others to pay us less than we are worth for the job that we do. When we do that, we are sending a subtle message to the universe that we have less value than we actually do and that we are willing to settle for less than we deserve. Probably not the message that we ultimately want to be sending! We have to value ourselves, our work, and our skill set first and foremost, and we need to be in proper energetic alignment with our own innate worth. When we are, it makes those pesky little details like asking for a raise or promotion (or seeking alternate employment where we will be more highly valued and better compensated) so much easier. Know your worth. Know your value. Do NOT settle for less.
Karuna Reiki can be a gently way to remove any energetic blocks that you may have pertaining to your value and worth. Schedule Your Karuna Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
