Our Divine Download for November 15, 2023 is Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn/Leave The Past Behind from the Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards. Capricorn is known to be one of the most industrious signs of the zodiac and as such, this card is guiding us that we have stuff to do - big stuff, great stuff, important stuff - so it is time to let something go as we approach the next full moon that is holding you back and which no longer serves you. Capricorn is also a very loyal sign and very traditional in nature, so few know better than Capricorn just how immensely difficult it can be to leave the past behind. Often we don't surrender and we don't let go of the past because we are afraid that if we do, the past will repeat itself. That is unlikely when we have chosen to learn the lessons associated with the past, and it wouldn't be coming up for us to leave the past behind if we had not learned what we needed to from certain situations or relationship dynamics. The truth is that when we don't leave the past behind, instead of learning from it, we are doing the exact opposite in that we are replaying it over and over and over again, keeping ourselves stuck in the very circumstances and dynamics that we don't want to rinse and repeat. So that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Whatever you need to leave behind, whatever you need to move on from, do it. DO. IT. It will free up space and energy for you to truly move forward and build the life that you want to live. You cannot move forward towards the future that you are trying to build while you are clinging to the past, whatever your reasons for doing so is. If the thought of letting go, of leaving the past behind, feels more challenging than liberating, sit with that and ask yourself why. Ask yourself what you are afraid to let go of. Ask yourself how it is serving you to hold on. Ask yourself why it feels challenging to let go and release it. Then ask your Angels to help you leave the past behind you. Right where it belongs.
You can ask your Angels to help you leave the past behind and they will give you Spiritual Action Steps to help you do so during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!

This is so very true I need to share this with someone that will Not let the past go I believe it’s what makes her so angry and keeps brining it up always . 💜🥰